` Fourteen pieces of advice I found in 2014


Fourteen pieces of advice I found in 2014

Since I'd asked other people what they'd learnt in 2014, I thought I'd give my contribution. Here are fourteen things.

1. Life sucks, but not that much
I figured that when I'm down I'm usually worrying about something that doesn't matter. Nothing matters too much in the grand scheme of things. It's important to remember the good things too.

2. Some people don't get you, but there will always be some that do and that's okay
I found this out when I moved to university. When you're suddenly thrown into halls away from your old friends, you find that there are people you just don't click with. But it's something that happens throughout life and there will always be people you love as well.

3. Listen to music as you work
As much as you want to, don't listen to music with lyrics when you're trying to get some work done, listen to a film soundtrack or some kind of classical music. It honestly helped me so much in terms of productivity.

4.Embrace opportunities
At University, I've become lazy and I feel as though I haven't welcomed the incredible amount of opportunities available to me enough. When you embrace something new and it turns out to be worth it, it is the most amazing feeling.

5. Don't be afraid to take the lead
In a group situation, if you want something done, take the lead because chances are most people are too scared to start something first. And don't be afraid of your idea being rejected because at least you've suggested something and that's the first step to something fantastic.

6. Getting up early is a damn good thing
I realised if you get up early and face the day, you tend to be more productive and you feel a hell of a lot better about yourself, and healthier too

7. It's okay to have lazy days too
As long as it's not every day, know that you can treat yourself once in a while on a day where you can ignore your responsibilities for a little bit. It's good to have a balance and it's good to treat yourself sometimes.

8. You can learn a lot from the elderly
I took more time this year to get to know my Grandparents and their friends and, quite clearly, they have some damn good advice, so embrace it.

9. Individuals are awesome, find out more about people and their details
People like talking about themselves, and it's a beautiful thing when someone really opens up to you and you suddenly find out their life story, their thoughts and interests. It's like reading a book except it's real and fascinating when it happens. Ask people more about their lives.

10. Don't attack yourself for not doing exercise
You know what's more important than looking good? Being happy, having great friends and doing well in your job/education. People can get so worked up about their size that they fail to concentrate on the more important things in life. By all means exercise but know that the world won't end if you don't.

11. Don't let your day depend on social media or your phone
If you spend your day passing the time because you're waiting for a text, you're not going to have the quality of life that you need. Focus more on what you're going to achieve during the day or on what events are unfolding in real life and enjoy them. Texting is great but it shouldn't stop you from enjoying the real world at first hand.

12. Stop comparing yourself to others
Social media is simply filled with show-offs. We're all show-offs on social media and I know I am but when you get down because some one looks like they're having more fun than you. Chances are you're just not appreciating what you have in front of you enough.

13. Take pleasure in small things
Big and incredible things happen a lot but sometimes days in between adventures might seem tedious. It's important to notice little things that make you happy or little things that make your day slightly better, like when your pets are particularly affectionate or when you get to the bus stop as the bus is arriving.

14. Lastly, sometimes just sitting down with a cup of tea is immensely therapeutic
Sometimes, when I'm really stressed or upset about something I remember that tea exists and the feeling of a warm mug cupped within your hands, watching the world go by silently for a couple of minutes is incredibly relaxing.

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